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Curiosity Page 31

  Ashwin Vasavada, Deputy Project Scientist: “About a year and a half ago, I was out…[filming an] outreach video about why we selected Gale as a landing site; and, walking around back there [behind JPL]—and it was springtime—water was coming down…the mountains and forming a little stream through the arroyo and carrying debris…. The stream was full of little pebbles, rounded as they make their way down the mountains, sand with them…. Looking around, I told the camera man as we were filming this video, ‘if we ever found something like this on Mars, it [would] be a homerun.’…I think all of us…say those things, but in our hearts we knew it was a long shot, it wasn't to be taken for granted. And then you fast-forward to landing a year ago. As the rover landed, its rocket engines were scouring through the gravel. And the next morning, we get this picture from Mars and look in the scour mark—and, what do you know, its bedrock, [a] conglomerate of rock made of rounded pebbles and sand melted together. Even before Curiosity landed, she already hit this homerun for us and revealed this ancient Mars to us that [we] were hoping to find. So we drove literally through a streambed on Mars that flowed ankle-deep a few billion years ago…. I'm getting goose bumps just telling you that.”

  Fig. E.1. ONWARD! This depiction of NASA's Mars 2020 rover is tentative but shows the strong family resemblance to Curiosity. The instrument package had not yet been defined when this was released, but one idea currently popular is to have the rover find interesting samples, then package them up and leave them for a later sample-return mission to bring them back to Earth. Only then will we be able to really peel back the remaining veil of mystery surrounding Mars. Image from NASA/JPL-Caltech.

  Adam Steltzner: “Prior to landing, I'd been asking myself this question—why we do what we are doing, and why it is important to us? Although we go to Mars for the science questions, I don't think that those hundreds of people in Times Square watching the landing were there at 1:30 in the morning because they were dying to know about the pH, the salinity, and the environmental surface of Mars. I think when we explore, we're asking questions about ourselves as individuals, as a society, as a people. Neil Armstrong, I think, hinted at that with the words he chose to say when he set foot on the surface of the Moon: ‘That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ What he was hinting at was that he was carrying us with him in that exploration. I think Curiosity carries us with her when she's on the surface of Mars and helps us ask questions about who we are, how grand we are. What questions do we dare ask, and hope to be able to answer? I think [that] through it, we dream a little bigger, maybe aspire a little higher, and in some sense we're a little better.”

  Fig. E.2. SOMEDAY…The ultimate goal for the world's major space programs—those of the United States, Russia, and now China—is a crewed mission to Mars. It's been seriously discussed since the mid-twentieth century; it's time to step up the pace. Curiosity has provided data critical to protecting astronauts on the long trip to the red planet. Image from Pat Rawlings/NASA.

  And perhaps Al Chen, the voice of EDL on that amazing night almost two years ago, said it best as he recalled something Steltzner said just before MSL entered the Martian atmosphere: “I really love our team. We did everything we planned to do and we were right on track. This is everything we could have wanted. As Adam said that night, ‘We should do everything we can to deserve victory.’ I thought that was pretty special. We may not always gain victory, but at the end of the day we should feel like we deserve it.”

  “We should do everything we can to deserve victory.”…The people of JPL and their associated institutions did, and they continue to do so, every day.

  Curiosity roves on.


  Baker, V. R., R. G. Strom, V. C. Gulick, et al. “Ancient Oceans, Ice Sheets and the Hydrologic Cycle on Mars.” Nature 352 (1991): 589–94.

  Barlow, Nadine G. Mars: An Introduction to Its Interior, Surface and Atmosphere. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.

  Carr, Michael H. The Surface of Mars. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980.

  DeHon, R. A. “Martian Lake Basins and Lacustrine Plains.” Earth, Moon, and Planets 56 (1992): 95–122.

  Edgett, Ken. “The Sedimentary Rocks of Sinus Meridiani: Five Key Observations from Data Acquired by the Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Odyssey Orbiters.” Mars 1 (November 2, 2005): 5–58, doi: 10.1555/mars.2005.0002.

  Ezell, Edward Clinton. On Mars: Exploration of the Red Planet 1958–1978. New York: Dover, 2009.

  Greeley, Ron, and Paul D. Spudis. “Volcanism on Mars.” Rev. Geophysics Space Physics 19 (2001): 13–41.

  Grotzinger, John P. “Introduction to Special Issue: Habitability, Taphonomy, and the Search for Organic Carbon on Mars.” Science 343, no. 6169 (January 24, 2014): 386–87, doi: 10.1126/science.1249944.

  Grotzinger, John P., et al. “A Habitable Fluvio-Lacustrine Environment at Yellowknife Bay, Gale Crater, Mars.” Science 343, no. 6169. Originally published January 2014; published online December 9, 2013. doi: 10.1126/science.1242777.

  Grotzinger, John P., et al. “Mars Science Laboratory Mission and Science Investigation.” Space Sci Rev 170 (2012): 5–56, doi: 10.1007/s11214-012-9892-2.

  Grotzinger, John, Ashwin Vasavada, and Christopher Russell eds. Mars Science Laboratory. New York: Springer, 2013.

  Grotzinger, J. P., J. Crisp, A. R. Vasavada, R. C. Anderson, C. J. Baker, R. Barry, D. F. Blake, P. Conrad, K. S. Edgett, B. Ferdowsi, R. Gellert, J. B. Gilbert, M. Golombek, J. Gómez-Elvira, D. M. Hassler, L. Jandura, M. Litvak, P. Mahaffy, J. Maki, M. Meyer, M. C. Malin, I. Mitrofanov, J. J. Simmonds, D. Vaniman, R. V. Welch, and R. C. Wiens. “Mars Science Laboratory Mission and Science Investigation.” Space Science Reviews 170 (2012): 5.

  Grotzinger, John, and Ralph Milliken, eds. Sedimentary Geology of Mars. Tulsa: Society for Sedimentary Geology, 2012.

  Hassler, Donald, et al. “Mars’ Surface Radiation Environment Measured with the Mars Science Laboratory's Curiosity Rover.” Science 343, no. 6169. Originally published January 2014; published online December 9, 2013. doi: 10.1126/science.1244797.

  Hoyt, William Graves. Lowell and Mars. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1976.

  Jacqué, Dave. “APS X-rays Reveal Secrets of Mars’ Core.” Argonne National Laboratory. Accessed March 2011.

  Klein, H. P. “The Viking Biological Investigation: General Aspects.” J. Geophysics Res., 82 (1997): 4677–80.

  Malin, Michael C., and Ken S. Edgett. “Evidence for Persistent Flow and Aqueous Sedimentation on Early Mars.” Science 302 (November 13/December 12, 2003): 1931–34, doi: 10.1126/science.1090544.

  Malin, Michael C., and Ken S. Edgett. “Sedimentary Rocks of Early Mars.” Science 290 (December 8, 2000): 1927–37, doi: 10.1126/science.290.5498.1927.

  Malin, M. C., K. S. Edgett, B. A. Cantor, M. A. Caplinger, G. E. Danielson, E. H. Jensen, M. A. Ravine, J. L. Sandoval, and K. D. Supulver. “An Overview of the 1985–2006 Mars Orbiter Camera Science Investigation.” Mars 5 (January 6, 2010): 1–60, doi: 10.1555/mars.2010.0001.

  McCurdy, Howard. Inside NASA. New York: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.

  Murck, Barbara. Geology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2001.

  Mutch, Tim A., Ray E. Arvidson, J. W. Head III, et al. The Geology of Mars. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976.

  Neufeld, Michael. Von Braun. New York: Vintage Books, 2007.

  Price, Pritchett. The Mars Pathfinder Approach to Faster-Better-Cheaper. Los Angeles: Pritchett Publishing, 1998.

  Reiber, Duke B., ed. The NASA Mars Conference. San Diego: AAS Publications Office and Univelt, 1986.

  Schorghofer, Norbert, Oded Aharonson, and Samar Khatiwala. “Slope Streaks on Mars: Correlations with Surface Properties and the Potential Role of Water.” Geophysical Research Letters 29, no. 23 (2002): 41–44.

  Wiens, Roger. Red Rover: Inside the Story of Robotic Space Exploration, from Genesis to the Mars Rover Curiosity. New York: Basic Books, 2013.

  Zubrin, Robert. The Case
for Mars. New York: Touchstone, 1996.


  BAE Systems. “RAD750 Radiation-Hardened PowerPC Microprocessor.” July 1, 2008. Accessed August 2011.

  Dahya, N.; Jet Propulsion Lab, NASA, Pasadena, CA; and E. T. Roberts. “Design and Fabrication of the Cruise Stage Spacecraft for MSL.” Aerospace Conference, 2008 IEEE. IEEE Explore. March 1–8, 2008. Accessed March 2013.

  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)/California Institute of Technology (Caltech). “Announced: Martian Diaries” (multiple entries). Accessed August 2012–February 2014.

  ———. “Curiosity Capabilities: SAM.” Goddard Space Flight Center. Accessed June 2013.

  ———. “Curiosity Makes Historic Landing at Gale Crater.” Accessed September 2013.

  ———. “Curiosity Rover Status” (multiple entries). Accessed August 2012–January 2014.

  ———. “Curiosity's SAM Finds Water and More in Surface Sample.” Accessed January 2014.

  ———. “Entry, Descent and Landing Configuration.” Accessed September 2013.

  ———. “Final Minutes of Curiosity's Arrival at Mars.” NASA/JPL. Accessed April 2011.

  ———. “Getting to Mars One Simulation at a Time.” Accessed December 2013.

  ———. “JPL Blogs: Dan Limonadi.” Accessed September 2013.

  ———. “JPL Blogs: Rob Manning.” Accessed December 2013.

  ———. “JPL MSL Press Releases” (multiple entries). Accessed August 2012–January 2014.

  ———. “Mars Science Laboratory's Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons (DAN).” Accessed March 2013.

  ———. “MSL Landing Site Selection.” Accessed June 2013.

  ———. “MSL Mission Report.” Accessed November 2013.

  ———. “MSL Science Corner: CheMin.” Accessed September 2013.

  ———. “MSL Science Team Publications List.” Accessed September 2013.

  ———. “NASA at Fall 2013 AGU Conference.” Accessed December 2013.

  ———. “NASA at 2012 AGU Conference.” Accessed December 2012.

  ———. “New Curiosity Research Papers” (multiple entries). Accessed September 2012–January 2014.

  ———. “Press Conferences at Fall AGU Conference.” Accessed December 2013.

  ———. “SAM Instrument Suite.” Accessed December 2013.

  Wall, Mike. “Touchdown! Huge NASA Rover Lands on Mars.” Accessed December 2012.

  Webster, Guy. “Geometry Drives Selection Date for 2011 Mars Launch.” NASA/JPL-Caltech. Accessed December 2013.


  Al Chen, May 3, 2013; August 6, 2013

  Ashwin Vasavada, November 13, 2013

  Bobak Ferdowsi, March 24, 2014

  Brian Cooper, October 10, 2013

  Dan Limonadi, December 18, 2013

  David Oh, August 21, 2012

  Doug Ming, December 18, 2013

  Guy Webster, March 18, 2012; July 1, 2013

  Jakob van Zyl, April 24, 2013

  John Beck-Hoffman, June 12, 2012

  John Casani, April 30, 2013

  John Grotzinger, May 3, 2013; August 14, 2013; August 30, 2013; November 6, 2013; November 14, 2013; November 18, 2013; December 4, 2013

  Joy Crisp, December 2, 2013

  Justin Maki, December 12, 2013

  Ken Edgett, January 23, 2014

  Lauren DeFlores, November 12, 2013

  Lawren Markle, June 12, 2012

  Melissa Rice, May 1, 2013

  Mike Malin, June 12, 2012

  Mike Wall, June 12, 2012

  Rebecca Williams, December 17, 2013

  Rob Manning, February 10, 2012; August 12, 2012; August 4, 2013; October 22, 2013

  Scott McLennon, December 12, 2013

  Steve Squyres, June 27, 2011

  Suzanne Dodd, August 22, 2013

  Vandi Tompkins, May 16, 2013

  Page numbers in bold indicate images within the text. See also the photo insert.

  Aeolus Mons. See Mount Sharp

  aerobraking, 63, 132

  aeroshell, 132, 134, 136, 138, 151, 154, 156

  airbags, concept for landing on Mars, 84, 142

  for MER rovers, 67–69, 68, 137, 141

  not applicable to Curiosity landing, 140, 145

  for Pathfinder, 56–60, 79, 137

  Alan Hills Martian meteorite of 1994, ALH84001, 116, 117, 210

  alluvial fan, 41, 86, 87, 102, 199, 271

  Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer. See APXS, used on Curiosity and MERs

  Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer. See APXS, used on Sojourner

  Amazonian period on Mars, 262

  American Geophysical Union (AGU), 210–16, 212

  Ames Research Center, 226, 252

  Anserlian, Garo, 160, 161, 162, 164

  Antarctica, 76, 100, 116, 117, 210

  Anthill (place on Mars), 193

  Apollo program, 36, 74, 80, 132, 142, 178, 244

  Apollo 11 landing, 13, 149

  contamination issues, 111, 114–16, 115

  Curiosity compared to Apollo lunar lander, 89

  expense of, 43, 50, 118–19

  reentering Earth's atmosphere, 133, 135

  Apple computers and chips, 25, 50, 66, 134, 181

  APXS (Alpha Particle X-Ray Spectrometer), used on Curiosity, and MERs, 77, 90, 93–94, 202, 212, 229

  analyzing samples in place, 97, 204, 207, 214, 218, 233, 240, 245, 247–48

  APXS (Alpha Proton X-Ray Spectrometer), used on Sojourner, 61, 62, 66, 77

  Arabia Terra (area on Mars), 105, 263

  Ares (Greek name for Mars), 30, 172, 193

  Ares Vallis (area on Mars), 60, 193

  argon on Mars, 256, 258, 266

  Aristotle, 29

  Armstrong, Neil, 276

  Atacama Desert, 100

  Atlas V (rocket), 131

  atmosphere on Mars, 170, 274

  changes in atmospheric pressure, 207

  Curiosity's analysis of, 207, 213, 231, 240, 255, 256, 271

  elements found, 167, 213, 254, 255, 256

  and landing of Curiosity, 153, 175, 177

  loss of atmosphere, 254, 255, 262, 274

  autonomous driving, 73

  Baby Otter (place on Mars), 193

  backshell (part of MSL during EDL), 156

  Bamm-Bamm (rock near Sojourner), 194

  Barnacle Bill (Sojourner's first rock), 60–61, 193, 194

bsp; Barnum, P. T., 33

  basalt rock, 18, 69, 71, 200–201, 202, 206, 275

  beach balls. See airbags, concept for landing on Mars

  Beck-Hoffman, John, 16, 20, 48–49, 52

  bedrock, 199–200, 252, 275

  Bellutta, Paolo, 183

  “Berry Bowl” (place on Mars), 71

  Biehl, James, 188

  Big Joe (in Viking landing area), 192

  Big Kahuna. See Grotzinger, John

  biological pollution. See contamination issues

  Bish, David, 206–207

  “black smokers” on Earth, 76, 100, 101

  Blake, David, 252, 274

  “blueberries” (hematite spherules), 69–71, 70, 73

  Bolden, Charles, 146, 201

  Bonneville (in Viking landing area), 192

  Bradbury, Ray, 38–39, 127, 195

  Bradbury Landing (Curiosity's landing site), 102, 195, 198, 201, 270

  “brain transplant,” 176–77

  Broken Wall (rock near Sojourner), 194

  Brooks, Bob, 149

  brush, wire. See DRT; RAT

  Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 34, 127, 167

  Caltech (California Institute of Technology), 13–14, 23, 38, 129, 208, 210

  managing and operating JPL, 181, 219

  summary of discoveries and information gathered, 246–54, 260–67

  See also Jet Propulsion Laboratory; names of individual employees; National Aeronautics and Space Administration; specific projects, e.g., Apollo program, Voyager program, etc.

  cameras on board Curiosity, 90, 91–93. See also names of specific cameras, e.g., ChemCam, Hazcams, MAHLI, etc.

  Canadarm, 94

  Canadian Space Agency, 93–94

  canals of Mars theory, 31–33, 32, 34

  carbonate rocks, 18, 83

  carbon dioxide on Mars, 213, 266

  carbon 14, 44, 258

  carbon on Mars, 95, 98, 103–104, 207, 238, 266