Curiosity Read online

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  Sojourner (rover), 42, 53–62, 62, 75

  area capable of covering, 231

  comparing three generations of Mars rovers, 78

  contamination issues, 111–12

  driving the rover, 220–21

  exploring in Ares Vallis, 60–61

  finding evidence of water on Mars, 69–71, 82

  length of successful operations, 62

  process for obtaining samples, 231

  proving concept of a roving vehicle, 75–76

  size of, 64

  use of solar panels, 58, 65, 79–80

  See also Pathfinder mission

  sol (a Martian day), 28, 62

  tracking Martian time on Earth, 160–64

  watch used to track Martian time, 162

  solar conjunction, 250, 254, 255

  solar panels, 58, 65, 72, 79–80

  solar system, 30–31, 80, 103, 113, 127, 260–61

  Soviet Union's space programs, 36–46

  efforts to reach Mars, 37, 42, 43

  efforts to reach Venus, 36–37, 41–42, 20, 22, 209

  Space Flight Operations Facility at JPL (SFOF). See under Jet Propulsion Laboratory

  Space Ghost (TV cartoon series), 193

  space programs before Mars explorations, 36–46

  space robotics. See robotic arm

  SpaceX (Elon Musk's private rocket company), 226

  Spear, Tony, 54

  Spielberg, Steven, 109

  Spirit (rover), 24, 55, 63–74, 75

  area expected to cover, 79

  comparing three generations of Mars rovers, 78

  contamination issues, 113

  end of mission for, 51, 72–73

  equipment on, 65–66, 231

  in Gusev area, 69, 71

  importance of advance testing, 68–69

  landing area for, 86

  process for obtaining samples, 232

  size of, 64, 232

  use of solar panels, 65, 72, 79–80

  See also Mars Exploration Rovers mission; Opportunity (rover)

  Squyres, Steve, 65, 66–67, 69, 71

  Star Trek (TV series), 127

  Steltzner, Adam, 26, 132, 133, 143, 146, 276, 277

  on landing of Curiosity, 154, 155–56, 157, 158–59, 159

  sterility, recipe for, 265

  Stimpy (rock near Sojourner), 194

  stromatolites, 17, 19, 107–108

  sulfates, 71, 86, 87, 251, 252, 270, 272

  sulfur on Mars, 98, 217, 251

  Sumner, Dawn, 256

  T. Rex (place on Mars), 193

  talc, 18, 79

  team effort, exploring Mars as a, 165, 230, 272, 277

  Teflon contamination issue, 237, 238

  temperatures. See weather on Mars

  thermal cycling and contraction, 240–41, 242–43, 244

  Thermal Emission Spectrometer, 66

  thermal inertia, 102, 103, 200, 241

  time, watch set to track Mars Time, 160–64, 162

  time delay for transmissions between Earth and Mars, 24, 60, 73, 129, 136, 151, 158, 220, 224, 228, 230, 246

  Times Square, live coverage of Curiosity landing, 151, 276

  Tompkins, Vandi, 25, 28, 190, 225–30, 226, 245

  “Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Bodies” (UN report), 109

  trench, digging a, 229–30

  Trujillo, Diana, 240

  Tsiolkovsky, Konstantin, 34–35

  tungsten weights, 173

  Twin Peaks (rock near Sojourner), 194

  Twitter, use of, 151, 200–201, 248–49

  Tycho's peak on the Moon, 102

  ultraviolet radiation, 93, 104, 112

  United Nations, 109

  United States (US) space programs, 36–46

  supply of plutonium limited, 81

  Unix, 182, 185, 221

  “untargeted remote sensing,” 187

  Uranus (planet), 80, 127

  US National Research Council, 116

  Valles Marineris, 170

  Vasavada, Ashwin, 24–25, 28, 47, 182, 186, 236–37, 247, 253, 254, 260, 269, 274–75

  Vatican Observatory, 191

  Venus (planet), 30, 31, 34, 127, 261

  efforts to explore, 36–37, 41, 42, 67, 244

  Verne, Jules, 191

  Viking program, 36, 57, 90, 106, 178

  contamination issues, 109–11

  fuel for, 56

  for landers, 80

  use of throttleable rockets on the backpack, 143, 145

  generating names for features found on Mars, 192–93

  goals and purpose of, 76

  heat-shield design, 134

  landers on Mars, 42–46, 45, 53, 77–78, 137

  static landers, 104

  landing of Viking 1, 60, 136, 140

  Pyle observing video link of, 129–30

  looking for microbial life, 76, 97, 99

  Viking orbiters, 165

  von Braun, Wernher, 35, 119

  Voyager program, 66, 80, 178, 257

  Wall, Mike, 20, 22

  Wall Street Journal (newspaper), 20

  Washington Post (newspaper), 20

  watch set to track Mars Time, 160–64, 162

  water on Mars, 98, 102, 206–207, 256, 273

  changes through geological epochs, 262

  clays and evidence of water, 18, 71, 84, 87, 102, 103, 244, 251, 252, 270, 272

  conclusive evidence of a body of standing water, 266–67

  data revealed by drilling at John Klein and Cumberland, 251–52, 254, 263–64

  discovery of massive erosional forces, 45–46

  following trail of ancient water features and geologic evidence, 77, 82, 83, 84, 86

  Malin and Edgett hypotheses about water and sedimentation on Mars, 104–106, 165, 168–71

  mudstone as an indicator of, 248, 251, 252

  not all water activity had been ancient, 106–107

  press release on first Martian soil samples, 217, 218

  as primary focus for the Mars programs, 167–68

  evidence found by MER rovers, 69–71, 98

  evidence found by Sojourner, 62, 82, 98

  process of change from wet to arid environment, 273

  See also life on Mars; sedimentation exploration

  weather on Mars, 255

  carrying dust and dirt, 79–80

  changes through geological epochs, 262

  dust storms, 38, 41, 72, 79–80, 121, 207

  Pathfinder reporting on, 61

  photos showing hazy, dull reddish brown day, 177

  temperature difference between night and day, 240

  weathered sedimentation, 105

  Webster, Guy, 14, 181, 182, 190, 210

  Wedge (rock near Sojourner), 61, 194

  wheels, 73

  on Curiosity, 47, 60, 73, 90, 112, 147, 204, 229, 244

  acting as landing legs, 140, 148, 157, 158

  concern about damage and wear, 185, 186, 187, 188, 225, 258–59, 259, 268, 268, 269

  monitoring wheel tracks, 185, 201, 205, 221

  on MERs, 51, 74, 232

  on Sojourner, 58, 61, 231

  whimsy as a basis for naming features on Mars, 193, 195, 202, 201

  Williams, Rebecca, 161–63

  wire brush. See DRT

  Yahoo News (news source), 210

  Yellowknife, Canada, 195, 196

  Yellowknife Bay (region Curiosity explored), 195, 196, 234, 239–40, 242, 251, 256, 267, 269, 270–71, 273–74

  Yogi (second rock found by Sojourner), 61, 62, 193

  Yogi Bear (cartoon character), 62, 193

  Zeiss, Carl, 128


